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Todd's Big Wins for Ellis County

During Judge Little's first term as county judge, he has..


Protected your freedom

  • Took action against mask mandates and vaccine mandates

  • Sued federal government to stop illegal immigrants infected with COVID-19 from entering Ellis County

  • Established Ellis County as a Sanctuary for the unborn

  • Received Commendation Certificate from Senator Ted Cruz for re-opening Historic Courthouse to public and protecting the 2nd Amendment.

  • Lowered Property Taxes

Handled the County's Emergency and COVID-19 Response Efforts

  • In early 2021, established the Ellis County Vaccine Initiative to orchestrate a county-wide vaccine hub delivering and distributing vaccines to over 80,000 citizens prioritizing front-line medical, first responders, and vulnerable populations.​

  • Partnered with the City of Ferris to create the Regeneron Infusion Center. Provided therapeutic relief to citizens suffering from COVID-19 and reduced hospitalizations.

  • During the winter storm of 2021, set up warming stations for those without power; sought resources for critical infrastructure; and distributed emergency drinking water. supplies to county precincts for equal distribution

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  • Delivered $1M in coronavirus relief grants to nonprofit agencies, small business, and medical practitioners.

  • Coordinated with Ennis to receive evacuees from Hurricane Laura. Assisted in providing shelter, food, & water.

Increased funding for Law Enforcement

  • Invested in an $8.5M county-wide Motorola communications system to protect first responders.

  • Instituted first ever county-wide Step-Pay plan program to recruit and retain top talent for Ellis County Sheriff Department.

  • Instituted $430,000 per year vehicle lease program for Sheriff Department Fleet Replacement.

  • Gave full payment for accrued overtime & premium pay for Sheriff deputies totaling over $335,000.

  • Law Enforcement budget increased over 40% in three years to meet underfunded and overlooked staffing, equipment, and capital needs.


Led Economic and Workforce Development

  • Established small business recovery task force to aid in economic recovery.

  • Distributed $1M in President Trump CARES Act grants to healthcare partners, small businesses, and nonprofits affected by challenges of the pandemic.

  • Worked with local stakeholders in Midlothian to recruit 200+ jobs and over $200M investment from health, beauty, nutrition supplement maker Sunrider.

  • Worked with Governor Abbott and leaders in Ennis to recruit Freshpet, Inc. bringing 500+ local jobs and a $260M manufacturing facility.

  • Recruited businesses like Compass Data to Red Oak to build a large capacity 165-acre data center campus adding 800+ future jobs and $2B of investments.

  • Saved the county and taxpayers $240,000+ in annual utility costs. Saved over 3.5M gallons of annual water usage.


Made Enhancements to Ellis County's Justice System

  • Worked with legislature to create an additional County Court at Law to meet increased demand for misdemeanor courts and facilitated courtroom construction of $1.5M.

  • Implemented Ellis County’s first ever Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program to assist school districts against juvenile offenders.

  • Facilitated plan for online solutions for court hearings while courts were suspended from meeting in person during pandemic to meet Supreme Court guidelines.

  • Developed plan and financing model for construction of new Justice of the Peace #2 facility.

Followed through on promise to make Ellis County Open and Transparent

  • After being elected in 2019, returned $70,000 County Judge salary back to original amount before salary grievance filed by previous County Judge.

  • Opened Ellis County Courthouse doors back to the public, receiving Commendation Certificate from Senator Ted Cruz.

  • Implemented a 25-year long-term Strategic plan and Facilities Needs Assessment committee made up of citizens and elected officials to study future needs.

  • Increased county's social media and online presence to better communicate updates for both the pandemic and important updates. Grew social media followers from 80 to over 15,000.

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm

See more of Judge Little's BIG Wins on the Ellis County website.

Paid political advertising by Todd Little for Ellis County Judge. 

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